Welcome back to Lead with Intention! We’re officially half way through the cruelest month and I want to ask you something really important:
“How are you doing?” (Really?)
If the answer is a variation on “not so good” - you’re not alone.
The world is quite literally on fire at the moment and it’s hard not to feel overwhelmed and helpless. So before we dive into today’s leadership topic, I want to offer a resource that often helps my coaching clients who are dealing with change, turmoil and uncertainty at work.
It’s called the Circles of Concern and Control. Essentially, this is an exercise in letting go. It’s designed to help you reflect on the things in your life that you cannot control, and instead, direct your energy towards the things that you can.
I find this immensely helpful when things get a bit too much.
And I’ve had someone ask me this question before, so I’ll answer it here too. “Louise, are you saying that we should accept that we can’t do anything about world wars / climate change / politics / job losses etc?”
That’s not what this does. Instead, it asks you to reframe your notion of “control” and think about actions YOU can take to influence or work towards being part of a solution.
If you’re feeling it today, then take a look, fill it in for yourself and see how you feel.
The Circles of Concern and Control
And share it with anyone who might need it right now…
Ok, onto today’s leadership topic.
In my coaching practice, I support lots of brilliant senior professionals who are ready to step into a leadership position or get promoted. But many of them start from the same mis-guided assumption as they consider what might be holding them back…