How are you this week? I’m 98% recovered from jet lag and now thrilling to the challenging emotional journey that is hayfever (seasonal allergies for my overseas readers!) But through my streaming eyes, I want to ask you a question…
Have you delegated yet?
Last week, I shared an essential part of any good leader’s toolkit - the ability to delegate effectively. But I know it’s hard to start doing if you’re used to managing everything yourself.
I’d love to hear if you had success with any of the tips on delegation, how it made you feel, and crucially, how it affected your week at work? Reply and let me know if it made a difference!
This week, we’re talking about another vital skill set if you want to be an effective leader and a subject very close to my heart:
Leadership communication
But good communication is easy I hear you cry! Prince Andrew, Liz Truss and Tom Cruise (remember sofagate? Of course you do!) beg to differ, having all experienced what happens when you mess up your key messages. That’s when you end up banished to a Pizza Hut in Woking…(By the way, have you seen Scoop yet? It’s a good look at what happened behind the scenes to bring you one of the biggest interviews of our time.)
Yes, everyone can communicate. But effective leadership communication is a skill. The good news is it’s one you can practice and get better at. And it will stand you in good stead as you look to develop your leadership presence and your career.
Here are five ways to communicate like a leader.
Be authentic in your approach: There’s no point trying to be someone you’re not. Obvious advice perhaps, but it’s amazing how often we end up comparing ourselves to other and then aping their style because we want a little of what they’ve got. There’s nothing wrong with looking to people you admire for inspiration and motivation, but remember, you are the only person who can communicate like you. That’s really powerful. So harness that and think about what that means for you as a leader. Are you a quiet powerhouse? An extroverted sharer? A reflective thinker? Make the most of your natural talents and use them to connect with people in a way that is memorably and uniquely yours. (If imposter syndrome is something that gets in the way here, you can find more coaching and advice in this self-paced online masterclass: Overcoming Imposter Syndrome.)