Welcome back to Lead with Intention! I hope you’re starting the year with purpose and clarity, and that you are finding ways to balance work with some enjoyable pursuits to get you through January!
I am deep (and I mean deep) into my decluttering era at home. I’m now on first name terms with the team at the tip, local charity shops and the post office, as I get rid of, donate or sell things that no longer serve me. And it feels good! I’m loving the lighter feeling it gives me as I move forward into the year. How about you? Are you team declutter at this time of year?
Last week, we identified your ikigai - your professional purpose.
I hope it revealed some insights about why you are really here in the world of work and what you have to offer.
But now what?
It’s time to lean into your purpose and start working and leading with intention. Doing this will give you clarity about your year ahead in your career and help you articulate what you have to offer, as well as helping you perform well at work. It’s an essential piece of insight you need for your personal development plan too.
But it can all sound a bit “up in the clouds” can’t it? Never fear - we’re breaking this down into practical actions and benefits today.
As ever, paid subscribers get the full leadership lesson from me below, with practical advice and ways you can implement this in your role immediately.
So read on for more and let me know how you get on with this week’s advice. If you want me to cover specific topics in future weeks, drop me a line and let me know!
(If you’re ready to upgrade your free membership, you receive a super practical set of leadership advice every week from me. Call it “micro-coaching”. All for £5 a month, which I think is a bargain if you ask me! You can do a 7 day free trial first if you want to try it out.)