What to do if... you don't get along with your boss
Here's a challenge most of us have faced in our career. Here's how to navigate it.
A thorny topic this week! But one I bet you’ve experienced at some point in your career. Maybe you’re going through this now. (In which case, my sympathies, but definitely read on…)
It’s time to talk: Horrible Bosses.
Or more accurately: Bosses that you think are horrible until you do the real work of understanding them…Not quite as catchy, but probably more accurate!
No-one sets out to be a bad or ineffective manager. At least I hope they don’t. But despite best intentions, sometimes the line manager / direct report relationship just doesn’t gel or work the way it should. This could be for a million different reasons, but the outcome is depressingly, the same. Low motivation, low productvity and fractured relationships. This can be really damaging if you’re the one under the thumb, and you may not know which way to turn. Today, I’m sharing some advice on how to handle this situation (and whisper it), you may even recognise a few things you want to do better yourself if YOU’RE the manager with some “quirks”.
But first. Let’s talk confidence baby. Somehow, since November, I’ve found the confidence to show up on TikTok every work day and last night I did my first ever TikTok Live (where I show up, you guessed it, live, to answer questions and interact with people). I do this because I believe I can help professionals like you to get more out of your career and to become a better, happier, more effective leader. This framing helps me overcome any nerves I may feel and it’s been a brilliant experience so far. I’ve learnt a lot too. (Mostly about how much I hate “Eat with Me” videos but that’s a newsletter for another day…)
And last night I shared on the Live that I’ll be launching a BETA version of a brand new group coaching programme on June 18th called “The Confident Leader”. I mentioned this last week, but now all the details are starting to come together and I’m excited! If you’re struggling with confidence at work, or know that you could be a great leader if you could just get out of your own way, this programme is for you. We’ll cover 6 core modules over 10 weeks of live coaching, supportive group calls, and video lessons and worksheets to do in your own time. From imposter syndrome to your professional brand to effective communication, we’ll cover everything it takes if you want to go from frustrated to fearless as a leader. As this is a beta, I’ll be asking for your feedback and a testimonial, and tweaking as we go, ahead of the formal launch in September. This means you get full access to all the coaching for less than half what will be the eventual full programme price. The beta is £399.00 and weekly 1 hour group sessions will be at 12:00pm UK time and 7:30pm UK time on a Tuesday, starting June 18th (pick which slot is better for you.)
I’m looking for just a handful of people who want to join me to road test this programme and get a lot of hands on coaching into the bargain! I don’t have the web page live just yet, but please reply to this email if you’re interested and we can have a chat!
Ok, let’s get into this week’s advice…How to handle a difficult boss