Welcome to Lead With Intention

I’m Louise, a trained leadership coach. And modern leadership fascinates me.

Why are we still getting it wrong? Who’s getting it right?

And the biggest question of all…

How can YOU get it right in your role?

There are so many lessons to learn when it comes to leading yourself and others, effectively. It’s why I trained as a coach in the first place, having benefited from working with one in my corporate life.

In this substack, i’ll share the leadership secrets, frameworks and advice that led to me being board-level before the age of 40 in my corporate career.

Every Thursday, I’ll deliver you an email full of practical wisdom and tools that will really help - wherever you are in your leadership career.

A little about me.

I provide careers coaching for new, aspiring and established leaders, to help them build confidence and credibility, so they can lead well.

With a 20 year career in Corporate Communications, and multiple Director of Communications roles under my belt, I support first time or aspiring Directors to lead effectively at the top of the organisation and to take their seat at the leadership table, as well as leading a fulfilling and sustainable career.

I am a trained and qualified leadership coach with the Institute of Leadership & Management, and use established and credible coaching models, enabling aspiring leaders to identify and create solutions and take ownership of the outcomes they want to shape.

Say hi if you want to in the comments and let’s get started!

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