What kind of leader are you? (It's time to find out...)
If you want to step up as a credible and effective leader this year, then it's time to dig deep. Let me show you how...
Welcome back to Lead with Intention!
Today’s post is a free one (in addition to the weekly paid series that I hope you check out - it’s like having a leadership coach on speed dial and we cover everything from how to get promoted, to building executive presence (a must if you’re serious about being a credible leader) and effective leadership communication.)
And welcome to new followers! If you’ve found me here, it’s because you’re serious about stepping up as a leader in your career, and you’re self aware enough to know that great leadership starts with…
As a leadership and careers coach, my first question to my clients is usually:
“What’s it like to be led by you?”
This often catches people off guard. We’re not used to thinking about how our actions and behaviours impact others. And it can be uncomfortable. I get that.
But it’s a critical exercise if you’re invested in being a great leader.
Self-reflection, leading to self-awareness, is the foundation for effective leadership.
When we understand more about ourselves, who we are, what our values are, why we behave in certain ways, we can more easily empathise with and understand others. We also become attuned to the way our actions impact on others, and we can be honest enough to make adjustments (or even greater changes) if the gap between who we WANT to be as a leader, and who we currently ARE, is just too wide.
I learnt this the hard way (but ultimately, the most valuable way) during my own corporate career.
If you haven’t heard my story before, I’m now a leadership coach, but was formerly a Director of Corporate Communications and worked in that profession for more than 20 years (yes, I’m older than I’d like to admit!)
I was always the one who was great at their job as a functional expert (I was brilliant at “doing Comms”), but lacked the insight and skills in leadership. Thrust into a leadership role at a very young age in a PR agency, I floundered. I was by turn, a micro manager, somewhat aggressive in my approach, mistrusting, paranoid, and holding my team to impossible standards.
I give my younger self a lot of grace for that these days. Without a lot of positive leadership role models around me (for various reasons), and with no formal support, training, mentorship or coaching, I did my best with what I had (and to meet the often ridiculous expectations of my employer at the time!)
Fast forward many years and I take my first board role as a Director of Communications. I’m still a brilliant functional expert, and I’ve learnt more about leadership along the way, but not enough.
This was the time for me to finally work with a leadership coach and I’m so glad I did.
It changed my life, and ultimately, my career!
Working with a coach helped me reflect (honestly and sometimes painfully) on my own blind spots, biases and behaviours as a leader. So that I could then identify changes that would move me closer to being the leader I really wanted to be (and knew I could be, deep down.)
Ask yourself these reflective questions
So if you’re starting this year, and you know you have what it takes to be a great leader, but you also know there’s some “stuff” getting in the way, here are some coaching questions to help you kickstart your reflections.
Grab a cup of something hot, a notebook and a quiet space…
What’s it like to be on the receiving end of me?
Which leaders do I admire and why?
How do I like to treated by my boss and why?
How would I like someone to describe me as a leader? Why?
Do I think this is how people currently describe me as a leader? If not, where are the gaps?
What are my values? What do I prioritise in my own behaviour and that of others?
What are my unique strengths that I can bring to the table? How might that translate into my leadership style? How could I do more of that?
How do I behave when i’m under pressure or unhappy? How might that affect my leadership behaviour? What could I do about that?
And then…
“Am I prepared to lead in a way that feels authentic to me?”
You might think is a no-brainer, but it’s amazing how many obstacles we will put in the way of leading in the way that works for us. It might be preconceptions about how others will react, or certain company cultures (and their leaders) that try and convince you there is only one way - their way - to lead and be successful.
It takes courage to dig deep and to act on what your insight tells you.
Imagine going to work every day and feeling comfortable in your skin. Knowing that you behave in accordance with your values and your integrity. And that you are employing your unique strengths to lead as only you can.
Wouldn’t you feel better? More empowered? And more fulfilled? I know you’d be more effective too.
So start with one question. Sit with it and start pulling at the threads it throws up.
Trust me, it could change your life.
Thank you for reading Lead with Intention. As ever, I hope you get some insight and value, and I’m always up for a chat if you want to explore leadership coaching in more depth. You can email me direct or through my website.
See you on Thursday for the paid series, where we’ll be exploring how to build visibility in your career (and be talked about for all the right reasons…
Oh, and please do share this post if it resonates with you and you think it may help others!